Prescribe 1,500+ Wholesale Products
Anytime, Anywhere!

For Business & Personal Use

Say goodbye to setup and platform fees – join us for free today.

WellAway Online Pharmacy goes beyond convenience

to meet your medicine delivery needs

Prescribe delivery within 3 hours, even on weekends and public holidays.

Access 24/7 secure online prescribing platform at your convenience.

Instant real-time chat support with qualified pharmacists and support team.

Hear what other doctors say!

Our partners

Reliability & Convenience with our Online Pharmacy

Legally-Compliant Processes

Rest easy knowing that WellAway adheres to medicine delivery regulations (MOH, HSA, and SS644), ensuring peace of mind for your patients.

Expanded Inventory

Discover our extensive inventory of >1,500 items, ensuring that you have access to medicine delivery when you need them.

Affordable Medication

Prescribe without hefty price tags. Our wholesale products and hassle-free medicine deliveries make healthcare accessible to all.